March 18th 2020
Another update on the Covid 19 pandemic, we have spoken with the employer on numerous items including blocking off the seats behind the operators on the novas, back door entry, free bus rides and bringing in more supplies.
The employer has agreed to start roping off the seats behind the operators starting today, back door entry is being contemplated still, free rides will more than likely go along with that as there is no way to enforce fares once we start loading through the back doors.
From what we’re being told supplies are slowly starting to trickle in, and confirmed by Chris Morgan’s post just a bit ago, thank you for those updates.
The gym is now closed and will remain closed as is the COC in lockdown so you’ll all need your swipe cards to get in the building.
We have had 2 work refusals to date, the provincial OHS is coming in and will be addressing the first work refusal and potentially the second one in the same visit.
Currently we are up to 14 self isolated members most are due to travel or coming in contact with those that have travelled, we have two showing symptoms are in isolation but have not yet been tested, all are doing good and have supplies for now, we may be asking for donations of non perishable food items to help our members if things continue to get worse.
It’s important to let everyone know the employer has given us 48 hours notice as per the CBA that they plan on implementing an emergency conventional signup, how this looks we don’t know yet, but we have been told the service will be reduced, I am hoping to have more answers in the next few days. Once we have the details we will pass it on to everyone.
Stay tuned, stay strong and diligent in these uncertain times, together we will get through this and we will be stronger.
Your Executive Board