Things are continuing on the right trend of flattening the curve, we just need to keep going in this direction!
We went out and took a look at what the city installed in the buses, this is definitely not the same quality and thickness of the vinyl barrier that we tested out a few weeks ago, we asked the city to confirm what they’re installing is what we tested and that we’re running out of time to get this sorted out, thanks everyone for your patience on this issue.
If your bus has AC and it isn’t working do up a defect report the AC will be put on a higher priority to be repaired than in the past.
CSR staff have been informed that on a rotational basis they will be monitoring the door to CS, there are some concerns that we will be working out over the next few days.
You’ll notice starting today that an announcement reminding passengers about paying fare starting June 8th.
House Hold Hazardous waste will once again begin using the parking lot at the COC starting this Sunday June 7th so there’ll be no access to the south side of the parking lot same as last year.
Signup for conventional operators begins this Friday June 5th be sure to check you date and time, as well there will only be I person allowed in the room beside the two conducting the signup.
Please keep using your PPE and continue to social distance we can get through this together!!
Your Executive Board