Escalating Violence on Transit across Canada

February 1, 2023

The Honourable Scott Moe
Premier of Saskatchewan
226 Legislative Building
Regina, SK  S4S 0B3


[email protected]


Re:  Escalating Violence on Transit across Canada


Dear Premier Moe:



Recent terrible acts of violence against members of the public and transit workers across Canada have brought to the forefront the urgent need to dramatically improve transit safety.   

 As you may be aware ATU Canada has called for the convening of a national task force to tackle violence on transit systems. While national in scope, this issue requires the involvement and cooperation of all levels of government and other transit stakeholders, including the Government of Saskatchewan. ATU Canada believes that additional police presence on transit systems is only a short-term band-aid solution.  

 With attacks on transit systems escalating across the country at an alarming rate, and with a growing number of the public afraid to take transit, the time to act is now.  ATU Local 615 is calling for you or your ministers to support and be part of this task force.

Saskatchewan transit workers and riders need your support and assistance.  Our members need urgent action and accordingly, we are proposing a first meeting with representatives of all three levels of government and other stakeholders on Thursday, February 9, at 1:00 pm ET to begin working on this important issue.  In order to expedite the process, we suggest that our first meeting be convened by video conference. Kindly RSVP by Monday, February 6th to let us know who will attend and a Zoom registration link will be provided by email.

 ATU Canada has been seeking action on transit safety for some time. This problem did not arise overnight, but it will not be solved without prompt and steady action.  I hope you will join us at the task force meeting or send representation as Premiers from other provinces are also invited to attend to start the work necessary to restore public confidence in safe accessible public transit.





 Darcy Pederson

President B/A

ATU Local 615

Saskatoon Saskatchewan